Derived Calculation Detail

On this page you can view/edit derived calculation details and the calculations used. You are also navigated to this page when you click New on the Derived Calculations page.


You can configure the following details:

  • System variable: The component the calculation is using for data

  • Frequency: How often the calculation runs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or rule-dependent)

  • Time frame: The time frame over which data is calculated (measured in days for every frequency except for monthly, which is measured in months)
    For example, if set to three days, data over the past three days is calculated when the derived calculation runs.

  • Offset: Determines when the time frame starts (measured in days for every frequency except for monthly, which is measured in months)

    For example, if the time frame is three days and the offset is one day, the time frame over which data is calculated begins four days prior to the calculation running and covers three days from that point.

  • Active: Determines whether the derived calculation is active or inactive

  • Channel placement

  • Auto configure channels

  • Units: The unit of measurement used in the calculation, with Same as self referring to the system variable

  • Multiplier

  • Run number: The number of times the derived calculation has run